Friday 1 March 2013

GLA won International Gold Star Millennium award in Thailand

The former Dy. Prime Minister of Thailand Mr. Korn Dabbaransi, bestowed Sh. Narayan Das Agrawal Ji, Chancellor, GLA University, with the ‘International Gold Star Millennium Award' at the international conference on “Indo-Thai Friendship and Economic Cooperation” held at Bangkok in Thailand for his exemplary work in the field of education and for his own personal achievements. This award was honored at the International Conference organized by the Citizen-Integration peace society of New Delhi. The main objective of this conference was to recognize and acknowledge the contribution of Indians in the field of education at the global level. Sh. Vivek Agrawal and Dr. Anoop Kumar Gupta received the award on behalf of Sh.Narayan Das Agrawal ji.

On this achievement Sh. Narayan Das Agrawal ji said that “I am very happy rather excited about the recognition GLA received in this type of forum towards its contribution in the field of quality and world-class education and I am quite sure that we will make our mark at the Global level as well.” In this International conference around 40 Indians were honored for their extra-ordinary contribution in different fields.

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