Thursday 4 April 2013

Is Our Dependency on Advanced Technology Restricting Our Thinking Prowess and Limiting Our Abilities To Work?

Is Our Dependency on Advanced Technology Restricting Our Thinking Prowess and Limiting Our Abilities To Work?

          As we are looking our surroundings, man is now full free of all hard work process from head to leg. This all is due to these advanced technologies only. These advanced technologies are now applicable in various fields like communications, automobiles, medicines, healthcare, academics, etc. Due to this tremendous modification of the process which is again due to advanced technology human lifestyle get totally altered. I assume that these are beneficial to us in many ways like short time consuming, efficient results, low cost, less manpower but it having more adverse effect on humans also. It is having cause of harmfulness on human working capacity and thinking power. Simply by taking an example of laptop which is one of the great outcome of advanced technology in modern era, it can resolve our many problems but it will unable to answer us for our question like What is the meaning of life? Hence it would not tend to impede the ability of human to think for them rather they tend to enhance it.

          More technology placing barrier between peoples face to face meeting are happen less. They are becoming lazy, choosing to stay at homes and play videogames than go to basketball games or get together with friends. If we look around us, it is so much crowded, polluted and damaged which caused mainly by existence of invented technology that also hampering the thinking and working abilities. Chemicals that are got generated from industries are hazardous for health that also hampering the working abilities.
          On concluding the world is being run by high machines and innovative equipments, peoples think that it would gives us good effect but it generally changed our whole life. We now forgotten the simple life that our ancestors left us. So I think that there is negative impact of using several high-tech outcomes of these implemented technologies which decreases our thinking prowess and also limiting our abilities to work.       


B. PHARM 3rd Year
IPR, GLAU, Mathura                                                             

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