Monday 22 April 2013

An Excursion Trip From Mathura To Manali

An Excursion Trip From Mathura To Manali
GLA University had  organized an excurtion trip from 11th -16th April,2013 to  Pinjore, Kullu Manali and Baddi. Everyone who was present there  could feel the fragrance of nature  there.   Snow laden Himalayan peaks and Bees river had   presented a refreshing environment for both students and faculties. 
In the beginning of  trip students had visited Pinjore Palace. During their stay students were introduced by  varieties of herbs and fauna there.
In Manali students had visited Hidimba Temple, Rohtang Glacier, and other places like Buddha Monastery . Students had enjoyed a various sports like Snow Skating, Paragliding  and River Rafting  in the lap of nature.

                                         Students @Manali Trip

                   Students @ Pinjore Garden


The students of Institute of Pharmaceutical Research(IPR) had visited MDC  Pharmaceuticals at Baddi (H.P.) ON 12th April,2013. During this visit they had visited Formulation Production section, Quality Control and Packaging section.
In  Production section students had learnt about the techniques and machinery used in the production of  tablet, syrups and capsules.
In Quality control (QC) section, where the quality of finished product is analyzed by using different analytical techniques like IR spectroscopy techniques, Dissolution chamber, Disintegrator
Lastly  students had visited Packaging section  in which they had learnt about the techniques used in Strip Packaging, Blister Packaging etc
                                          Students at QC Department

                      Packaging Department of MDC Pharmaceuticals

                 Group  Photograph

Thursday 4 April 2013

Is Our Dependency on Advanced Technology Restricting Our Thinking Prowess and Limiting Our Abilities To Work?

Is Our Dependency on Advanced Technology Restricting Our Thinking Prowess and Limiting Our Abilities To Work?

          As we are looking our surroundings, man is now full free of all hard work process from head to leg. This all is due to these advanced technologies only. These advanced technologies are now applicable in various fields like communications, automobiles, medicines, healthcare, academics, etc. Due to this tremendous modification of the process which is again due to advanced technology human lifestyle get totally altered. I assume that these are beneficial to us in many ways like short time consuming, efficient results, low cost, less manpower but it having more adverse effect on humans also. It is having cause of harmfulness on human working capacity and thinking power. Simply by taking an example of laptop which is one of the great outcome of advanced technology in modern era, it can resolve our many problems but it will unable to answer us for our question like What is the meaning of life? Hence it would not tend to impede the ability of human to think for them rather they tend to enhance it.

          More technology placing barrier between peoples face to face meeting are happen less. They are becoming lazy, choosing to stay at homes and play videogames than go to basketball games or get together with friends. If we look around us, it is so much crowded, polluted and damaged which caused mainly by existence of invented technology that also hampering the thinking and working abilities. Chemicals that are got generated from industries are hazardous for health that also hampering the working abilities.
          On concluding the world is being run by high machines and innovative equipments, peoples think that it would gives us good effect but it generally changed our whole life. We now forgotten the simple life that our ancestors left us. So I think that there is negative impact of using several high-tech outcomes of these implemented technologies which decreases our thinking prowess and also limiting our abilities to work.       


B. PHARM 3rd Year
IPR, GLAU, Mathura                                                             

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tips for Preparing GPAT -2013(Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test)

Tips for Preparing GPAT -2013(Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test)

GPAT or Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test is conducted to facilitate admission into the M. Pharm course and to award fellowship to the eligible pharmacy graduates. Till 2009, Pharmacy was included in the GATE syllabus and the same was used to give admission and scholarship to the qualified pharmacy graduates but as the no. of aspiring candidates increased the GATE organising committee raised its hands and expressed its inability to conduct GATE for pharmacy graduates from the year 2010.
Books for the GPAT exam
Careful selection of the right book is the first and most important step for the preparation of GPAT exam. At present market is flooded with the lots of books which boast of covering the whole syllabus of GPAT but only for few of them are up to the deal. For ideal preparation, one should first go through the text books thoroughly and then should have a good objective book to get familiar with the pattern of the examination.
Basically the whole syllabus of the GPAT can be divided into the four main subjects, i.e. Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical chemistry and Pharmaceutics. Each subject has its own weightage in the GPAT and should be studied from a thorough and good book. Below I am giving you the name of standard books one must follow while preparing for the GPAT-
1) Pharmacology-
KD Triphati is the best book for Pharmacology and if a student has studied it thoroughly, then he doesn't have to look for any other book for Pharmacology. All the questions asked in the GPAT are of the level of KD Tripathi.

2) Pharmacognosy-
C.K. Kokate is the most easy and comprehensive textbook for Pharmacognosy. It covers almost all the syllabus of Pharmacognosy of GPAT.

3) Pharmaceutics-
No single book can provide you the full syllabus of GPAT for Pharmaceutics. You have to study different books for different topics.
Biopharmaceutics part should be studied from the Brahamankar.
Sterilisation and Parenteral portions are best given in the Remington and should be studied from there.
Formulation part should be studied from the book of Lachman as formulation is best explained in this book.
4) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-                                                          
Like Pharmaceutics, you have to follow different books for the different topics of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Basic organic chemistry is best given in the Morrison Boyd and you should study it from there.
Spectroscopy is explained in detail in the YR Sharma and Pavia. One should refer one of the two books for spectroscopy.
Medicinal Chemistry should be studied from the Foye's textbook of Medicinal Chemistry but for classification part you must refer S.N. Pandey's textbook of Medicinal Chemistry.
Analysis part should be studied from the Vogel's or Chatwal's textbook of analysis.

Basic tips for the GPAT exam

·         Remember all the schedules of the drugs thoroughly because you will definitely get a question on the schedules of the drugs.There will definitely be 3-4 questions on the families of the herbal drugs and the questions asked on the most common or useful herbal drugs. So you can learn them easily from the CK Kokate.
·         Every year now the frequency of the numerical is increasing in the GPAT examination. Basically most of the pharmacy students have a fear of attempting the numerical problems. But for scoring good marks in the GPAT it is mandatory to attempt these numerical problems. In GPAT there are limited types of numerical problems. Most of the numericals are asked from biopharmaceutics, allegation method, depression in freezing point and dose on the basis of body weight and age.
·         Every year there is a definite question on the receptors and one should study this topic from the KD Tripathi or Foye's Medicinal Chemistry.
·         Every year there are 6-8 questions on the spectroscopy and mainly questions come from Mass spectrometry, UV, IR and NMR spectroscopy.
·         Make a separate note of all the classification of the drugs from KD Tripathi. You will definitely find questions on the classifications of the drugs.
·         There will be definitely questions on the amino acid precursors of the basic chemical constituents of the herbal drugs. So you should study them before appearing in the GPAT

Best practices while appearing in the GPAT exam:

·         To qualify the GPAT exam is not that much difficult if one approaches the exam with calm mind and analytical attitude. Remember one thing that no one can answer all the questions of the question paper.
·         The main key to success in the GPAT is to believe on your strength and answer the questions with utmost accuracy because in negative marking, each wrong answer can cost you dearly.
·         After getting the question paper, first read the instructions carefully and then read the question paper thoroughly in the next 15 minutes. Don't be hasty in answering the questions; first make a tick on the questions on which you are 100 % sure and then, attempt those questions with utmost care.
·         After attempting those questions, take a deep breath and go through the question paper again and find that is there any other question which you can attempt? Here self-control is the most important thing as most of the students loose there self-control at this period of time. This result in more wrong attempts and which ultimately lead to lower ranking in the GPAT. Whenever I used to loose self-control in such situation, I used to remind myself that actual merit will go much lower than my expectation and it helped me a lot in not attempting the unnecessary questions.