Saturday 2 February 2013

Common Indian Home Remedies That  Fight Against     


Common Cold

Common colds regularly affect both adults and children and are more likely to occur during the months of fall or winter. Common colds refer to an infection of the upper respiratory tract and are caused by a virus. There is no known cure for the common cold, and treatments are generally aimed at providing relief from the symptoms.


Herbal Remedies for Common Cold

·        Tulsi & Ginger with Honey:

 Tulsi, the Holy Basil is very good for fighting  agaist infections. Mix it in a grinder with some ginger and serve the paste with honey.

      Orange Juice with Honey:

Add honey and a pinch of salt to orange juice and drink it to get relief from cold, cough and throat pain    

Turmeric & Milk

The root of the turmeric plant is useful in a dry cough. The root should be roasted and powdered. For dry and frequent cough, take 1-2 gm powder of fried turmeric with honey, thrice a day. This is one of the useful cough treatments. Mix 1-2 tsp of pure homemade turmeric powder in warm milk and drink it twice a day for coughs of a bacterial origin. Within 2 days, you can treat cough by using this method. Also, inhaling turmeric added to boiling water can control cough and cold.

          Garlic, Onion & Ajwain Paste:

 Make a paste out of Garlic, Ajwain & Onion and warm it on the gas when it is lukewarm apply it on the chest, back & forehead & rest. If your kids dont let you do it while they are awake do it while they are asleep

·        Ginger and Honey:
A simple home remedy to cure cough is to prepare a paste by using ¼ teaspoon of red pepper, ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 table spoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix the ingredients well and take 1 teaspoon of this mixture during cough.

           Decoction of Pepper and Other Herbs :

Ayurveda herbs come handy with another home remedy for common cold. You can prepare a decoction with natural herbs of ginger, basil and pepper. Take this decoction (preferably warm) twice a day mixed with half to one teaspoon of honey.


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