Tuesday 17 July 2012

"Feedback on Parent Portals"

Is anyone using a Parent Portal at their children’s Institutes (s)? Please tell us a little about it.


This post considered portals from somewhat of a technical perspective, discussing features and looking at the web sites of some applications that provide this kind of functionality. But we are  also very interested in the parent’s perspective "are you using parent portals in the Institutes your children attend, and how is this working out?". If you are a parent and you are using any kind of portal functionality at the Institutes that your kids go to, please comment and tell us a little about your experience:

  •  What kinds of features do you like the best?
  •   What features would you like to see added to the portal?
  •  What product is being used (if you can tell)?
  •  Any other observations you would like to share

Thanks in advance to any readers who take a few moments to share their insights into Parent Portals as they’re being used in today’s institutes and Universities!


  1. The campus life of GLA University is highly appreciable. University has a huge campus, well known for its cleanliness. The well disciplined students of the University also give the feel of a gurukul. Teachers of the University have a high sense of responsibility hence are perfect in their call of duty.The university has also gained a huge attention of the public by the different works done for social cause by the university students. Recently for the celebration of International women day University students went to a village school and spread awareness about different social issues related to females. A huge crowd gathered to support the cause.

  2. It is the concern of every parent that a bright future should follow his child after completing his education. University placement cell play a very vital role in it. Similar in this way the Training and placement cell of GLA University works very actively for the good placement of its students. Time to time the T&P cell organizes different personality development programs. Role plays, Mock Interviews, Gap identification are the best part of the T&P cell. Other Universities hardly pay attention towards this side but GLA works with full spirit on it.
